The Barcelona Chair - Shot taken by Sarah Haeberlee :: Haeberlee, Photography + Design

Lifestyle Photography
Branding Design

Candid shot at a wedding shower - Shot taken by Sarah Haeberlee :: Haeberlee, Photography + Design

About Sarah

Sarah is an alumni for both New Media Web Design and Computer Programming at Niagara College Canada. In both programs, she received the Niagara Scholar Award and began working for herself as a New Media Web Designer and Developer. She worked in the web design world for 8+ years. Her focus was on grabbing the website users' attention by using captivating imagery while making sure the usability was smooth. Sarah has expanded her skillset to include lifestyle photography.

What is lifestyle photography?
Lifestyle photography is an umbrella term for any style of photography that aims to portray people living their lives. A lifestyle photograph might include elements of landscape photography, portraiture, street photography, and fashion photography. Event photography is also included.

How does that fit in with branding (marketing) design?
Simply put, a beautiful candid photograph used online (think social media, websites, etc.) communicates much more effectively than a staged (unnatural) photograph. Branding is the heartbeat of the business. You probably have a great product! Unfortunately, it won't mean too much if your brand is really lacking... Creating a consistent "theme" that ties in your values, personality, and products that you offer is what you want to achieve.

    Areas of Focus:
  • Lifestyle Photography
  • Branding Research & Design, including social platforms
  • Web Design & Development

Portfolio & Contact links are below.

A Photo Of A Beautiful Backyard - Shot taken by Sarah Haeberlee :: Haeberlee, Photography + Design


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